The Founder

I have experienced many highs, and many lows in this walk with Christ. When I first began my walk with God, I realized that everything I knew before him was completely obsolete, and that I had to unlearn 20 years of lies and relearn the truth. A lot of things I had to learn on my own with just me and God in my college dorm room. I felt too insecure to be around other Christians because I was still trying to figure out who God was to me, and I just didn't feel like I had it together enough to share my faith. But I didn't realize at the time that God wants to use your imperfections. If you were perfect, you wouldn't be in need of a savior. Once I got past that portion of the spirit of perfectionism and began to walk in my faith, I then realized that I needed to go deeper. I wanted more than just my word on Sundays; I wanted to dive deeper into the word. I needed to know more Truth to pull me out of dark places when no one else was around and the church was closed.
It was early 2019 and I was in one of those seasons where everything seemed hard. I felt hopeless and I felt my faith being tested through trial after trial after trial. I went up to receive prayer at my church and one of the prayer leaders gifted me a bracelet with a prayer on it. It helped me stay anchored in the midst of the storm. I remember reading that prayer on my way to work, when I wanted to have a nervous breakdown, when I wanted to give up and when I needed a reminder of God's sovereignty. That's when God gave me the idea to create Anchored. I wanted to create quality, fashionable, and affordable pieces that can help anchor others as well. I want to provide resources to help Christians grow and walk deeper in their walks with Christ, arm them with scriptures and prayers to overcome every battle that may come their way, help get the word in their hearts and, figuratively and literally, tie it around their necks as it says in Proverbs 6:21.
So what’s the vision? The vision is more so a mission. A mission to shift our focus on the Kingdom, on knowing and having a relationship with Christ. On equipping us with what we need while making it fashion. I want so badly for God to use me, the jewelry, the prayers, or the resources to help aid you in your walk with Him. I want my brothers and sisters to lack no good thing, no questions, I want them to have all the tools they need to succeed. It’s more than Jewelry, it’s Kingdom.